
  • In appreciation of The Rex

    Cinema, for me, has always been a special experience, as a child it was a treat to go and sit in the darkness of the theatre and see the pictures come to life before your eyes. I loved everything about the cinema, the smell of the popcorn in the foyer, the red curtains that hid…

  • The Tribe at Square Chapel, Halifax

    Beyond the banality that Hollywood often produces, there are films that innovate, push the boundaries and find new ways to address and present the medium. The Tribe is such a film, one that is bold, original and presents a new language of cinema in the way we see and hear. Many films claim to present…

  • Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

    On the surface of it, some may apply hesitation to this film, the combination of a clunky title and a plot that involves a high schooler and his relationship with a girl who has a life threatening illness sounds like adolescent twee overload for those who don’t dig that kind of genre. But don’t let…

  • Napoleon Dynamite at Square Chapel, Halifax

    Some films are like friends, you spent a lot of time together at the beginning, then you lose touch but when you become reacquainted with them, it’s like no time has passed at all. Such is the feeling with Napoleon Dynamite, a film that after its release in 2004 became a cult classic; it was…

  • Mistress America

     Getting Greta all the time Noah Baumbach is currently on a career winning streak- his last two films Frances Ha and While we’re Young dealt with the instability of life, whether it be through friendship, age or aspirations and were done with wit, warmth and a dab of melancholy. And his latest film Mistress America…

  • The Gift

    Surprise Package In the early 90s in cinema there were a slew of thrillers that fed on paranoia, dark secrets and the invasion of the home, from the psychotic copy-cat of the career girl in Single White Female (1992) to the scorned woman who brings terror to the suburbs in The Hand that rocks the…

  • Slow West

     Life isn’t peaceful there The Western, for a time, would bring to mind connotations of dusty old John Wayne films, not often in vogue like in yesteryear; it would however have a revival throughout cinema, particularly from the Coen Brothers with True Grit and No Country for Old Men and was reincarnated recently in Mad…

  • Forthcoming Fancies

    Now is the around the time of year that Summer blockbuster fatigue begins to set in, aside from Mad Max Fury Road, which reinvigorated and blew the competition aside, we will be awash with superheroes and generic sequels for the imminent future. So here’s a quick look at a few of the films on the…

  • Sound and Vision- The use of music in contemporary film trailers

    I was recently listening to Mr Blue Sky by ELO and straight away the trailer for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind popped into my own far from spotless mind. This may be because I am, rightly so, obsessed with the film but also because it was a time when a song was used to…

  • While We’re Young (directed by Noah Baumbach)

    Age Appropriate? They say that you are as young as you feel, yet society tells us differently, that there are ways of behaving that are acceptable in our teens that must be cast aside when we leave the safety blanket of ‘youth’. This carefree time is replaced with responsibilities and aspirations of a sense of…