Stakes In A Tripod

Cinematic musings.

  • Films of the year 2023

    As the year draws to a close, it is time to once again look back on another year of cinema and the films that stood out the most for me, for many different reasons – and that is the beauty of this majestic art form. 2023 started strong for cinema and then for me, took…

  • Films of the year 2022

    So here we are, at the end of another year, one that has brought surprises, shocks and thrills to the big screen. The films that I have seen at the cinema this year remind me how lucky I am to have something in my life that, despite what else is happening to throw you off,…

  • Films of the Year 2021

    It has been a funny old year again and one of two halves for cinemas which, post-Christmas were forced to close once more and did not reopen until May. Film releases were pushed further back but for those who braved it, and for those who simply could not delay anymore (yes Bond we are talking…